(Hello there, Valued Reader… Who Need Motivational Speaking? If you follow this space closely, you might recognize this as a ‘sequel’ to a recent musing about the horizons for viral marketing among the biggest businesses to call the Los Angeles area home. A few examples praised certain successful campaigns or approaches that their associated companies followed up with…well, let’s be generous and call them ‘less-spectacular’ results. That might have caused some confusion as to whether we know certain anatomical areas from holes in the ground. Permit us to clarify. This ongoing series will shine a light on viral and guerrilla […]
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Shed Simove is the Machiavelli of monkeyshines. His approach to inventing could best be compared to a boxer willing to tank four punches to land one. The U.K. born ‘Ideas Man’ has no reservations about having his Chiclets rattled by a few stinging jabs of unwanted outcomes, precisely because he possesses an entrepreneurial granite chin that buys time for those punches he eats to illustrate the perfect place and time to land a single decisive haymaker that pays instant dividends. In fact, in the time it likely took him to read that sentence, he more than likely conceived an app […]
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Add Humor by booking a Humorous Speaker: You’ve made it abundantly clear to both your audience and the organizers who engaged you to speak at their event just how vigorously you are driven by your visibly passionate commitment to the core subject of your talk. Congratulations, you unequivocally love what you do and take great satisfaction in imbuing others with your enthusiasm. Now, do yourself and everyone around you a favor: lighten up. Objections about your reputation possibly being biased more toward valuable information flavored with gravitas ring loud and clear. “I’m paid to educate”, a few hard-working professional public […]
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Prepare For A Motivational Speaker | Orchestrating a professional speaker’s address at your conference is never a one-way street. Between scheduling travel and lodging, preparing the actual talk and simple technical logistics. Your speaker will be all the more amenable to future appearances if you assist the process by readily providing as much pertinent information about your event as possible as soon as you can and working quickly to have every presentation need met before the conference actually rolls around. The stage you provide influences the magic any keynote lecturer can work. Meet any dedicated professional you engage halfway to […]
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Make America Grate Again | As a professional keynote speaker, my presentations contain a myriad of real-world examples of ideas I’ve brought to life (and the lessons learned from doing so) to show how blue chip companies, organisations and entrepreneurs can implement innovation, creativity and left-field marketing in order to achieve wondrous success. There’s nothing more fulfilling and exciting than watching an idea from your mind come to life in glorious reality, and then it’s even more thrilling if that idea then engages with people, entertains them or even (on the rare occasion!) brings in revenue. Well, maybe there’s a […]
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Keynote Speaker Gary Vaynerchuk! I’m hugely excited to appear on the bill of Brand Minds Asia with a raft of impressive professional speakers.And keynote speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk. Wooop! As a professional motivational speaker who’s hired to present around the world. It’s taken me ten years of giving speeches to get to this point. And a further fifteen before that to have enough insight, business examples. And knowledge to be able to present about creativity, innovation, sales and guerilla marketing. With the aim of delivering a speech that materially benefits the bright and dynamic people or Teams in the audience. So […]
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Conference keynote speaker | Fortunately, no unspoken workplace edict has ever dictated that an effective partnership is based strictly on two or more people actually liking each other. If that were the case, every business environment from McDonald’s to Microsoft might resemble a simultaneous reenactment of every Wrestlemania event ever witnessed. That flexibility comes at the ‘cost’ of exhibiting the patience to set aside wanting to throttle certain individuals in the name of an acknowledged shared interest. That single lesson learned and relearned repeatedly among coworkers is a universally applicable benefit of spending at least a little time as part […]
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Change Someone’s Mind With Careful Persuasion | Nerdist founder, prolific television host, comedian and holder of a degree in philosophy from UCLA. Chris Hardwick, so effectively sums up the central challenge of changing anyone’s mind about anything in his book ‘The Nerdist Way: How to Reach the Next Level (in Real Life)’. With this single quote that could preface every motivational speech until the end of time… “‘Better’ often feels ‘new,’ and new situations are like jeans. They can sometimes take a bit before they start to fit right,” observed quite possibly Hollywood’s reigning ‘Hardest Working Man in Show Business’. […]
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Albert Einstein once observed, “Adversity introduces a man to himself”. How to Be A Confident Leader | Another oft-quoted worldly philosopher, Chuck Palahniuk’s nihilistic ‘Fight Club’ prophet Tyler Durden, mused two generations later, “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” A manager stands tall amidst the rear tanks, majestically points the way and digs his feels firmly into the dirt as he commands his company forward. A leader fixes his gaze, bellows “Charge!” and advances shoulder-to-shoulder and stride-for-stride at the head of his brothers and sisters. There is a time to manage through […]
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