Product Launch Venue Ideas In Los Angeles | Few cities anywhere in the world can boast the lavish, electric atmosphere Los Angeles weaves through any event under its peerless California sunshine. That creates some inevitable dilemmas for anyone angling to harness the global entertainment epicenter innate media magnetism and refine some one-of-a-kind chatter orbiting a branded happening.
Nobody is more aware of L.A.’s value as a media extravaganza backdrop than vendors and venue representatives. The City of Angels is home to a bottomless pool of athletes, entertainers and entrepreneurs spanning every possible stature in their respective fields, all of them keenly driven to land their names on lips belonging to personalities and journalistic authorities with influence and recognition spanning continents, let alone a single nation. When it comes to tempting the teeming buzz-hungry masses with a glitzy affair, Los Angeles is a seller’s market. The sprawling metropolis may boast a suffocating cost of living accompanying its mesmerizing star-power, but the people whose resources you’ll eventually need to fuel your event can more than afford not to negotiate.
To put it bluntly, given the endless tide of ambitious startups swelling within the Los Angeles area alongside monumental companies with fathomless pockets to match frequently outsized prestige such as Facebook, Google and the Walt Disney Company, L.A. will never want for people ready, willing and able to pay any price to set Tinseltown talking. You are the human equivalent of a city bus: if you decline a venue or vendor’s price or availability limitations, rest assured you won’t be missed; someone else could likely walk through their door just as you walk out.
Product Launch Venue Ideas In Los Angeles
Even if you pull together the pieces to compose a product launch to remember, there’s one more reality of L.A.’s never-ending pulse of excitement to contend with: since there’s always somewhere to be and something to see, you can imagine the perpetual choking gridlock when everyone needs to be somewhere else. Contending with the daunting proposition of traditional L.A. traffic paired with notorious crowding, sprawl and pollution will make any invitee carefully weigh whether an event’s prospective atmosphere and ramifications combine to make it truly worth the undertaking just to get there.
All of that being said, let’s suppose you remain keen on tapping into that vivacious Los Angeles vibe to plant an exclamation on your upcoming product launch but haven’t the means to stage an authentic eruption of Hollywood-style hubbub. True, there’s nothing exactly on par with star-studded L.A. ambience. That doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to dress your next launch in your own take on that unmistakable swanky fashion sense and flashy character.
Universal CityWalk
Universal Studios Hollywood actively and enthusiastically encourages corporate groups to buy out part or even all of its CityWalk strip of venues for social meetings, product launches and team-building events. Keep the mood light as a feather with an indoor-skydiving attraction at iFly. Wine and dine attendees with culinary selections ranging from Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood Blvd and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. to Wolfgang Puck Bistro. Whatever your choice of venues and attractions, you can light up your product launch with VIP presence at a fraction the cost of an exclusive soiree at a downtown hot spot. It’s the kind of good time that will make guests clamor to save the date for your next event.
Team-Building Olympics On The Beach
For all the pomp and circumstance surrounding high-profile public product introductions, there’s a disproportionately minute degree of appreciation for the cohesion any company must embrace just to deliver a polished finished product fit for mass consumption.
As you prepare your band of brothers and sisters to acquaint your customers with your newest eagerly anticipated product, consider percolating morale and cementing a sense of unity with a team-building “Olympic” event organized at one of L.A.’s numerous gorgeous beaches. Amidst a picnic atmosphere, you can set up a scoreboard to track the competitive standings and evoke a mood of unanimous participation in a greater goal and commitment to building pride in your brand. Besides, who doesn’t love a good barbecue?
Santa Monica Pier
A product launch at Santa Monica Pier blends a number of appealing aspects of a Los Angeles gala in a wholly fresh fashion.
For starters, even locals consider the pier a scenic, soothing haven far enough from L.A.’s haze and furor to provide a much-needed escape from metropolitan tension but close for an easy-to-reach spontaneous getaway. It’s the quintessential lighter-side oasis. You shouldn’t have any trouble whatsoever drawing out L.A.’s entrenched cosmopolitan influencers. Meanwhile, you’re likely to set a fresh, intriguing tone for the day that should make your future events something to talk about – if for no other reason than because your launch will associate you with a desire to bring something different to the table.
Red-Carpet Arrival
This might rank among the more out-there concepts, but hear it out.
Truth be told, you can dress your product launch for A-list success wherever you should choose to hold it. However, there’s definitely an ideal way to go about this for best results. Start with a buzzworthy restaurant or night club. Many owners and managers might surprise you with how willingly they can negotiate an evening-long price to rent out their establishments when tempted with the prospects of bigger-spending clientele and the priceless word-of-mouth advertising that can come with being tied to a potential talking-point affair that galvanizes L.A. media.
Next, get the word out to the press. Give the Los Angeles media ample lead time to pencil in your product launch, touch base with you and be convinced that this is a moment not to be missed. If you really want to boldly sweeten the waters, you can hire “paparazzi” to assemble at your occasion and excitedly generate a sense of importance surrounding your introduction.
Finally, go all-in with your decor. Lights. Limos. A black-tie dress code. Planned entrances to your venue. However, never underestimate an actual red carpet. Why skimp on the details when going big?
Lastly, there’s a perfect compromise between navigating the city’s all-around aggravating tendencies and potentially launching your product before some of the world’s most influential famous eyes.
Every year, Coachella brings together some of music’s most popular established and rising acts beneath a single festival’s banner. To play even one of the secondary stages is a name-making honor, let alone the pinnacle of headlining the main stage. Arrange a product launch here, and you have an opportunity to snag face time with young consumers always drawn to new, exciting products and concepts and possibly converse with intrigued artists whose connections and relevance could pump your latest offering with the public awareness equivalent to undiluted rocket fuel. Best of all, you could do it all two hours outside of Los Angeles – again, far enough away to subvert the city’s less-appealing trappings (and expenses) but close enough to lure out the metro area’s most sought-after influencers to an internationally watched entertainment event.
Hard Rock Cafe On Hollywood Blvd
If you really want to go all out, then look no further than Hard Rock Cafe! They have a 20k sq ft venue room that is the ideal place for an exciting good time that feels more like a party than a boring stuffy product launch meeting room. While it may not be ideal for all types of launches, nothing gets a party pumping more than good music. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t get a thrill out of checking out some classic memorabilia, that psychologically they will associate with your brand sticking out in their minds. You may not be able to to hire Aerosmith to play at your launch party, but this is perhaps the next best thing that no one will forget..
There’s no place quite like Los Angeles. Luckily, “close” is sometimes close enough for success.
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